Rye High School (Female Team) and St. Luke’s Varsity Team (Male and Female)

3-talk class on Sport Psychology at the Scarsdale Adult School on March 15-22-29.

Rye High School (Female Team) and St. Luke’s Varsity Team (Male and Female).

The female varsity squash team for Rye High School and the male and female varsity squash teams from St. Luke’s School in New Canaan have included my sport psychology services to prepare them for U.S. High School Team Squash Championships to be played in February. I am super excited to participate in the growth of this sport and raise their mental toughness for the upcoming tournament and beyond.
Also, I obtained DISC certification, which is a behavioral assessment tool for the understanding of personality traits. It not only facilitates self-knowledge, but more importantly, helps to understand somebody else’s in order to improve cohesiveness and lessen of tension.

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