Coaching or Over-coaching in Squash

It is quite common for junior squash players to be coached when participating in tournaments. Whether it takes place before or during the match, coaches provide important and insightful information that can help players make strategic game changes. Sometimes, coaches use their expertise to provide calmness as players feel highly pressured to succeed. Some players also need all the help they can get to regain focus and receive reassurances. I have witnessed coaches who are …

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1908 Cubs vs. 1948 Indians

It is hard to believe that two of the most prominent professional baseball teams that have not won a World Series in many years are now facing each other. It is exciting enough to see your city’ baseball team make it to this final games, but it is even sweeter when these two teams have made it despite the many years of trying and trying. Whoever the winner will be, it will be a joyous …

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In a recent talk to a basketball team, we addressed the issue of value. Value is understood as a core principle that one aspires and commits to live by. When the team identified what values each member was expected to live by, the entire basketball team reached a unified understanding that, what is really important is not so much focusing on the end result, but rather living by principles that promote cohesion, respect, and responsibility. …

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I am nervous or I feel nervous

I often hear athletes expressing the nervousness they experience either prior or during a match as something they own or are. They often say, “I am so nervous.” But, do they own such a feeling or are they just sensing in their bodies such a discomfort? There is a major difference between “I am” vs. “I feel” an emotion. Whenever we express an emotion as something we own, for example “I am”, it will more …

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How do you approach learning?

Whether we are athletes or not, we all experience ups and downs wanting achieve our goals. There is not such a thing as making progress in a steady straight line. There will always be happy moments and disappointing moments. If we use disappointing moments as opportunities to learn, then a habit is created. However, if we use disappointing moments to blame others, a habit is equally created. When we listen to successful people, they all …

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A Mindful Athlete

Much is being talked about mindfulness and how it helps to improve performance and alleviate stress. Research supports that becoming mindful plays a very important role in staying in the zone, as athletes call it. But, what is being mindful? Mindfulness is no other experience than that of being aware of our present moment. Have you ever slowed down to really taste the pizza or salad you are eating? Have you paid real attention to …

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Rio 2016!!! Here we come, ready or not!!!

During the past few days, many countries have already visited the athletic installations and apartment complexes where the athletes will be staying. A great majority of the international inspecting staff has had a very disappointed experience. Just last week, the Australian team did what they called a “stress test,” which meant to open the water from the showers and sink at the same time. To their surprise, the plumbing failed the test. With only a …

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As Napoleon said, “Dress me slowly, I’m in a hurry.”

How many times has it happened to us that we are in a rush to complete a task only to make it worse because we rushed through it? We live in a world inundated with instant gratification. We have become so used to getting what we want in just a few seconds that we are taking it for granted. When we don’t get an immediate response, we automatically become irritated and frustrated. In sports and …

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Wimbledon, Euro Cup, and Women’s US Open Golf

What a weekend of fantastic sport achievements and so much to learn from the winners!!! After losing her last two finals, Serena Williams wins her 22nd Grand Slam tennis championship tying Steffi Graf for second as all-time winners. Andy Murray wins Wimbledon after losing the 2016 finals of the Australian and French Opens. Portugal, the underdog, wins their first EURO Cup in the country’s history. Brittany Lang wins her first major championship in her 10-year …

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Messi, is he really quitting?

On Sunday, Messi quit playing for the Argentine National soccer team after experiencing the fourth final loss of a major championship. Granted that he had accomplished every conceivable trophy and accolade, for some reason he is yet to lift any trophy for Argentina. Just one clarification, he did win the Youth 19 World Championships for Argentina, but for the typical Argentine fan, it does not mean much. His announcement, which came right after the match, …

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